Update on our Next Album

I keep our Facebook group relatively updated on our album progress but I haven’t really written anything recently for the website.
A few posts ago I shared news of our upcoming album while also announcing an Indiegogo campaign. The campaign didn't reach its goal and in hindsight I realize this could lend itself to the appearance that the album isn't happening. Although the Indiegogo campaign didn't reach its full goal, I had already independently raised funds for the album which has been underway since May.
For those that contributed to the fundraiser, perks will be fulfilled after the album is released. Originally I thought the album might be wrapped up by August but there are still a few steps to go. Keeping it sequential makes things easier for me.
While funding the album isn’t an issue, I think it could have been a better album with twice the funds at my disposal. Some of the things that I wanted to try that will not be able to happen are:
  • Replacing poly-synths with pedal-steel guitar.
    • I wanted to experiment with a signal chain that included lots of reverb, overdrive, compression, a retro-color pedal of some kind, as well as ducking in time with the music. I still think this has massive potential for exploration but it will have to be done on a different project.
  • Playing bass guitar through feedback distortion similar to Model-D output/input trick.
    • I wanted to create a really out there bass tone that would have required a small bundle of expensive eurorack gear.
  • Hiring a dobro player to play some of the metal licks on a lap-steel slide guitar.
  • Recruiting additional producers to lend more expertise to the mixing and sound design for that high-polish sound.
    • Lethe was good but it wasn't Doom Eternal good
Although these experimental aspects will go unfulfilled, ultimately this will still be an insane album and the work we’ve put into it already makes for an intense listening experience.
Can’t wait till it’s done!